Illegal Aliens September 22 w/ update
Haven't posted much of these lately - haven't been in the mood, I guess.
Try this:
4 men arrested in headless body case
We must have had a shortage of those who like to commit murder and then dismember the bodies. I guess we needed to import some. Thanks for nothing, W. Thanks for nothing, McCain. Thanks for nothing, Mel Martinez. Thanks for nothing, Ted Kennedy (spit, spit). Thanks for nothing, Lindsay Graham. Thanks for nothing, Mike Chertoff.
UPDATE: Forgot this one earlier. Woman with knife fends off attacker
Yes, three of those ''just doing the things Americans won't'' sent one of their bravest to attack a 3-month-pregnant woman. She won, by the way, using a pocketknife that probably would have gotten HER arrested in Merrie Old England. So, now in jail (briefly, I'm sure, Mike Chertoff and GW Bush will fret until they're freed) are three ILLEGAL ALIENS. Hear that, W? ILLEGAL ALIENS attacking pregnant women. So we get Filemon Del Hoyo, 18, Abel Lorenzo Reyes, 18, and Isidro Mendoza, 22, all of Mesa. Oh, by the way, one had just been deported Monday, and managed to re-invade by Thursday. Seems we don't yet have a FENCE! And it seems that one of these illegitimate sons of whores may even be released, even though he's known to be an illegal.