Today's Readings and Stuff. -- Friday, 24 July 2020 brief again
Been a week, I'll say that. Not awful, not great. Somewhat productive. Somewhat disappointing, somewhat hopeful. And always blessed. Of course.
The remodel is stalled for now. The damage revealed was vastly worse than predicted, so we used up about all the structural stuff in areas not anticipated. Which affects the budget in the wrong way. Worse, some of what we needed is now - possibly resulting from the COBID / Chinese flu thing -- in very short supply. As in, nearly unavailable. So we are on hold for the completion until both issues resolve. We've been advised that when the next "stimulus check" occurs, we'll have enough to finish that, and to purchase some rolls of insulation to be installed. We shall see.
We did luck on one thing. The clothes washer seems to have digested and passed the small nails that had fallen in. So I'm spared a period of using a washboard. That's a plus.
The readings below are meaningful. To me at least. Part of the passage in Corinthians is what I had requested for the service when my father passed away in 2011. For example.
The recent passages in the Chronicles, leading now into the readings in Ezra and, soon, in Nehemiah, remind us of the consequences when a nation and a culture descend into sin and depravity. As we see around us constantly. Not good and I don't think the Lord is pleased.
Psalm 127
1st Corinthians 15