Today's Reading April 21
A Happy Saturday to you.
This morning's reading from the Old Testament begins the study of Second Samuel. Samuel himself has already passed on, what we are getting into here is David's ascension to the kingship. The passage for today is Second Samuel, chapters 1, 2, and 3. David's start as king is filled with intrigue and murder and blood, primarily on the part of his ''friends''.
This evening's reading, from the New Testament, continues in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 18, verses 1 through 17. This is a short section with several strong teachings in it, each of which has spawned countless sermons and lessons. Consider,
1 - 8, the ''Parable of the Importunate Widow''. God hears our cry.
10 - 14, the prayers of the repenting sinner and the self-righteous compared
15 - 17 , God loves the little children
Tomorrow is Sunday, the Lord's day. Remember it.