What Caused the Economic Crisis? UPDATED 10 January
January 10 update:
Remember the name Robert Rubin? Sure you do, he was part of the crowd of leeches around the execrable Clinton Administration, before he slithered off to Citigroup, there to make them the next victims of his ''expertise'', and to be paid a VERY high salary to gut the company and its clients.
Nice read here, from the New York Post. Ya think they're unhappy with him? Ya think? The title, Good Riddance, might be a clue. And this is the sort of person, by the way, that Obamarama thinks are the 'Brain Trust' to figure out a way out of the nation's economic situation. A situation, by the way, that these louts helped to create.
This is not going to be real good over the next few years.
19 Oct updates:
Check this one, titled ''The Bailouts Must Stop!''
and this one, titled ''Bill Clinton a Prime Suspect for Starting Meltdown''
and, for background reference, a 1999 story from the (spit, spit) New York Times, entitled ''Fannie Mae Eases Credit to Aid Mortgage Lending''
Somehow, I doubt that you will hear the despicable liars of the ABCCBSNBCCNN cabal admitting to this. But it's true nonetheless.
Original Post:
New story here with an account entitled ''How allies of George Soros helped bring down Wachovia Bank''. Soros is, of course, one of the bankrollers of Obama and of the corrupt racketeering organization known as ACORN, and has quite a few people believing he is the AntiChrist. Dunno about that one, but he's evil enough to merit some votes.
Worth checking out, here.
I am disgusted with both of the major parties. There are reasons, excellent ones, that the document that lays out the structure of our national government, the US Constitution, strictly limits the powers, duties, and scope of that government. If you will examine it, and it really is neither lengthy nor complex, you will find within it not one word empowering the federal government to do many things that it does. That was wisdom. The cause behind all of this mess, the real cause, is intrusion of the national government into areas far beyond its legitimate scope. There is plenty of blame to go around. The answer it NOT to further expand the mess, the answer is to reverse course and shut down about 85% of the activities of the federal government. Next year, do it again. Repeat as needed.
Add this one as well.
Check this one as well. Note the names. And yet some of these same treacherous frauds propose a ''fix''. A pox upon them all!
And now this, courtesy of the Boston Globe, naming some names. Like Barney Frank.
And this, laying part of the blame on the late, unlamented and execrable creep William Proxmire.
Or this one, giving some details of the corrupt involvement of the sleazy, despicable lying creep Chris Dodd, scion of a corrupt and traitorous clan.
Or, you might like this: an account of how Barney Frank's ''partner'' benefited from the sleazy dealings that Barney Baby made possible.
Or this one.
Or this one, entitled, ''U.S. Mess Started With Carter'' which certainly has a point.
For a bit of comic relief, and a good bit of truth besides, see this