24 September 2020
22 September 2020
Today's Readings and Stuff -- Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Tuesday now. And the first day of Autumn 😔. Oh, well.
We (meaning I) had planned to make the "run" to the medical complex to have "labs" done, meaning blood tests, possibly some urinalysis, etc., today. But, as has been the case for the last four weeks, Wife did not feel well enough to go. So we didn't. Tomorrow? Perhaps. We do have a long-delayed appointment on Monday for the pulmonologist. We hope that happens. Was supposed to have one back in March (I think) but it had to be cancelled: the HMO system had pulled all their test equipment, ventilators, etc., as well as some of their personnel, back to the Main Place as part of the whole COVID-19 "thing". So I guess we'll try again. Then, right after the first of the month, a long-long-LONG-delayed appointment with a rheumatologist. That is one of those in-demand specialties, a very difficult one, that she needs to be seeing regularly. The previous one, that she'd seen for several years, is no longer available to us. We'll need to see this one as soon as we can, she's in constant and terrible pain, particularly in the knee joint. Part of having several different types of arthritis, as well as everything else.
The travels are an issue. but we were notified just today that our Medicare Advantage policy may, on the New Year, cover transport to and from medical appointments. Need to see the fine print on that, but it would be helpful.
We had frost here Saturday and Sunday nights. Now, the latest forecasts I saw, tell us that we may hit 80° twice this week, and other days in the high 70's. To be followed shortly by a severe cool-down. Shouldn't be too terribly surprising I guess, October is nearly here and I can remember, faintly, a Hallowe'en with a couple inches of snow on the ground, and many others little better. Since we're closer to Winter than to Spring, I guess it shouldn't be a surprise. So, pretty soon, I'll be putting up the heavy curtains on the windows. After putting the plastic film on them, I mean. Which will turn our place into a dark cave for the next six months. At least bears have the good sense to hibernate and miss all the "fun".
I imagine we've all been watching the goings-on in our world. It should surprise no one. All of this sort of thing has been foretold, and things are certainly going to get far worse. I have already lived much longer than I'd ever expected, and will probably be out of here before the very worst hits. But I weep for those who will be left, including those who don't know the Lord. It bothers me, and it should. One phrase that has been chiding me is from someone's appreciation of a godly leader, and it said " .. he was mightily used of God". Being used of God is, really, what we're here for, but I for one have failed miserably in that. Not a comforting thought.
this is interesting. As one commentator reminds us, this prophecy regarding Cyrus, was written 200 years before Cyrus was born!!
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9/22/2020 07:36:00 PM