29 December 2020
22 December 2020
Today's Readings and Stuff -- Tuesday, 22 December 2020
This will be brief.
This has turned into a very tough day. I got a call an hour or so ago from my youngest brother. He'd gotten a call from the coroner over in the Akron area, letting him know that the brother between us in age had died. More than that we don't know, he's driving over to Akron tomorrow to get with the coroner's office, then to see about funeral homes and arrangements, etc. He had still been working (planning to retire early this coming year) so we suppose that there is some life insurance to cover funeral costs, etc. Beyond that, no one knows. He was divorced, having been married for less than 10 years, until her kids from her first husband were grown, at which point she threw him out more than 10 years ago. He paid off the house for her to keep her claws out of his retirement accounts. I guess he kept contact with one of her kids but I know nothing more than this. So I'm not in a real upbeat mood right now.
Haggai is counted as the first of the post-exile minor prophets. Keep the book of Ezra in mind.
If some of this sounds altogether too much like the "one world" system that the "globalists" seem to be dragging us into, you're not alone in that.
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12/22/2020 06:25:00 PM