26 September 2006

Another nght

It's Tuesday night at the roach motel. I took to calling it that after killing the 5th roach bug in the bathroom Sunday evening. Probably an unfair depiction. Then again, this is a motel, and that was a roach bug. It fits. And I'm feeling a bit less than totally charitable right now. Took a real major effort to get into my motel room. It looks like the little key card reading thingy on the door has a dead battery. After three sets of key cards failed, they called out a maintenance guy with a little programmer box, who was able to over-ride the system and let me in. But he couldn't replace the dead battery, that requires the oversight of the daytime manager, so they'll come by some time tomorrow and put one in. If it wasn't so aggravating, it would be amusing. Look, this isn't the Ritz. But they haven't had Housekeeping in for 6 days now, and the sheets are the worse for the experience, and so are the two bath towels I've been alternating since last Wednesday. Too Much Information there, probably.

The good news is that the family will join me in a few days. I expect to see wife and daughter on Thursday afternoon. Bearing in mind I haven't seen them in more than a month, I can't wait. God has been good to me in very many ways, and the family He's given is one more example of that. They will never realize, no matter how I try to convey it, just how much I love them.

There are a lot of things I'd like to be writing about: the Bill Gaither program that's playing on the TV right now, better ways to design and operate production facilities to accomplish the real aims of the organization, how to deal with the death cult of Islam, the relevance of the prophet Isaiah to our world today, the benefits (and limitations) of Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing principles to a variety of operations, as well as the damage that can be done through the misuse and brainless adherence to them. A lot of topics, really. Hang around.

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