28 October 2006

Illegal aliens, part 1002

I see that one of the ''Beltway Snipers'', Lee Boyd Malvo, has admitted to another murder, this one in 2002 of Jerry Taylor on a Tucson golf course. I'm sure that provides a small amount of closure for the family of the murder victim.

But for others, it should be an item in an indictment. If you go to a 2002 article written by Michelle Malkin in her article ''Who let Lee Malvo loose?'' you will be reminded that Malvo is an illegal alien who was arrested back in 2001 in Belllingham, Washington, but - in violation of the law - was ordered released by the INS district in Seattle. As a result, Malvo was set free. And as a result of that, Jerry Taylor is dead. And so are a number of other people. Michelle has done a real number on them at her blog/column. Check out Another Beltway sniper victim for her take on it. I think that she does one of the better jobs on this issue, though there is some excellent work being done. But excellent commentary and excellent analysis do not, alas, seem to be translating into equally good policy and practice.

Persons taking up governmental duties are indeed doing exactly that: stepping up to perform duties that are greater than those expected of the average citizen. As such, they deserve respect and honor, so long as they ''well and faithfully carry out the duties of the office ...''. Clearly, quite an number of persons, and it reaches to the very top levels of the nation, are now feeling free to ignore their oath, their duty, their honor, and the expectations of the nation that these duties will be well and faithfully performed.

Ideas have consequences. INS, and the elected and appointed leaders, have ideas. And Jerry Taylor is dead. You can't ignore the law and honor and expect good results.

Enforce the law. The law specifies who may enter this country and under what circumstances. I am tired of hearing nonsense and lies to pretend that violations of these laws are unimportant. They're not unimportant. And Jerry Taylor is not the only victim.

The law specified deportation of illegals. The law prohibits knowingly hiring illegals. Enforce the law. Vigorously. Immediately. I want ALL the illegals out of OUR country, and now.

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