ROPMA Again, Teachers Again
You can't do much better than a good headline:
Being a site for the discussion of the important things: Christianity, Family, Engineering matters, interactions between people, including politics, the ever-popular ''other'', and the intersections between all of these. The title is from Daniel 3:17-18 ''..our G-d whom we serve is able to deliver us .... and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not , let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods .....'' I like the attitude.
You can't do much better than a good headline:
Posted by
11/29/2006 07:39:00 PM
Labels: death, Islam, Religion of Peace, ROPMA
Reply 12 - Posted by: tnmartin, 12/22/2006 12:04:07 PM
ReplyDeleteActually, review the history of Hagia Sophia in Turkey. Long time Christian worship place, now defiled for centuries by the heathens of Islam.
My comment:
Actually,Hagia Sophia, after being used as a mosque for many centuries after the conquest of Istanbul was converted into a museum and is now being defiled by such "heathen" tourists as Pope Benedict. Many believe it should be free again for worship by Muslims. I would like to see Christians worshipping there as well.
Even though it was not the policy of early Muslims to convert churches or synagogues where the name of God is remembered,it was considered, wrongly in my opinion, as a prize of war and as most of the Christian population had left, it allowed the Muslims to have a large place of prayer and with which they symbolically equated a military conquest of Constantinople(now Istanbul) with the superority of Islam to Christianity.I can understand but do not agree with this. We should compete in good deeds. Now, there is a beautiful mosque opposite it.
Again, When Caliph Omar was invited by the priest,to pray in a church in Jerusalem after its conquest, he chose to pray on the entrance as he
did not want to create a precedent that would compromise the integrity of the church.
The Crusaders ransacked Hagia Sophia and killed many of the Eastern Orthodox Christians.
Sadly, many Muslims have a stereotype of fundamentalist Christians as you have of Muslims.
Things have been done in the name of Christianity as they have for Islam that go against the teachings of the Prince of Peace whom we regard as a prophet, born miraculously,with a holy book and of the Qur'anic revelations to the Messenger of Allah, the one and only Creator endowed with Compassion and Mercy.
The Almighty has named this faith,Islam or surrender(to His Will.
War is only permissible in defense of Islam and Muslims must return to a peaceful state as soon as the enemy wishes. The greatest war is against our selfish desires.
It is a source of shame that many Muslims seeking to combat those countries that have colonized and exploited Muslim countries hsve resorted to unIslamic methods.
I don't believe that the enmity you
express is consistent with the true Christian mentality. Without name calling we can agree to disagree and show tolerance and respect if we are unable to show love.
I am an American, born Muslim from a converted father and retired in Turkey.
Ameer Raschid
Sigh. Where to start?
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I do not agree and will never agree to the statements made here.
First off, with respect to the Hagia Sophia, it's not quite correct to say that ''most of the Christian population had left''. The reality is that a whole lot of the Christian population had been slaughtered, many of those who could flee had done so, a good number of those remaining had taken the option to convert at the edge of the scimitar, and the few remaining were treated quite badly. And still are, by the way. The phrase '' had left'' doesn't quite capture that, does it?
To refer to Muhammad as a ''prince of peace'' is to turn the record upside down. In point of fact, he was one of the most ruthless killers the world has ever known, his record of deceit, treachery, and lies is there for those to see who will, and while he may in fact be termed a prophet, it was not as an agent of the Almighty God. Muhammad was an agent of the Devil of Hell, his book a pack of lies, his religion an abomination, his visions those provided by demons, and his legacy totally in keeping with that of the Prince of Lies that he served.
The so-called ''Muslim lands'' that are often referred to were not always groaning under the weight of that false doctrine and it is my belief and prayer that someday soon those inhabitants will be freed from the slavery to Satan that Muhammad bequeathed them.