19 December 2006

Just a brief

A quick, brief post, and perhaps more later.
I was made aware earlier of another site on blogger, one that has on it the COMPLETE text of Andre Servier's book, Islam and the Psychology (Mind) of the Musulman, written about 1924 about the heathen devotees of the Mohammedan cult of the Devil. Highly recommended. Go to http://musulmanbook.blogspot.com/ and see for yourself. I will also put this on the sidebar under my links list.

Islam delenda est.


  1. TNMartin,

    Thank you for visiting US Taino and submitting a comment.

    If you don't mind my asking, I have a few questions which will help me understand your thinking on the issue of immigrants working illegally in the US.

    Q: The Latino population has grown tremendously in numbers. Aside from those here illegally, is that a problem?

    I see from your website that you are a Christian man, what is your responsibility to a fellow Christian that is trying to feed their family by seeking work in a foreign land?

    Was Jesus and his disciples illegal when they traveled to live and work in foreign lands?

    Finally, neither you or I have sought or employ foreign workers in our homes or in our businesses, but millions of American citizens and businesses do. To be morally and legally consistent in your absolutist approach, shouldn't the federal government also arrest, charge, convict and jail millions of "law-breaking" Americans?

    U.S. Taino

  2. This contains some fair questions and they deserve fair answers.

    To address the last one first, yes to be consistent those who deliberately or recklessly employ illegal aliens should be prosecuted to full extent of the law. I favor this in fact and have said so.
    Now, with regard to the other issues. Christianity nowhere requires nor even permits me to violate the law of the land except as part of a religious obligation such as not bowing to Baal. It does not require me to, for example, steal from my neighbor in order to give money to someone in need. The fact that we are as Christians said to be under Grace does not get us out of speeding tickets nor excuse us from paying taxes.
    The idea that we should overlook egregious violations of law as part of some sort of Christian duty is bad logic, bad law, bad theology, and a rather transparent attempt to excuse the inexcusable. The law exists. The border exists. ''I wanted to'' is no better an excuse for an illegal immigrant than it is for a rapist.
    I note, by the way, that the Bible, including the New Testament, has considerable to say on the matter of being subject to governing authorities. I commend such reading to the attention of all.
    Finally, the world has changed in many ways in the last 2000 years. There were, for example, no Social Security cards nor photo ID's in those days. I have no reason to believe that Jesus would have been in favor of forging them if there were and see no reason He is pleased with doing so now.



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