Sometimes ridicule is the best approach
For a bit of a funny, go to The Pervert Prophet post over at the Justify This blog. The Muslims won't like it, but then they're generally not known for having a sense of humor (or any other kind, either).
Being a site for the discussion of the important things: Christianity, Family, Engineering matters, interactions between people, including politics, the ever-popular ''other'', and the intersections between all of these. The title is from Daniel 3:17-18 ''..our G-d whom we serve is able to deliver us .... and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not , let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods .....'' I like the attitude.
For a bit of a funny, go to The Pervert Prophet post over at the Justify This blog. The Muslims won't like it, but then they're generally not known for having a sense of humor (or any other kind, either).
Posted by
1/06/2007 10:54:00 PM
TN, at church tonight, guest missionary on way back to France and Geneva, who had been professor at Master's College this past semester, invited former Muslim student to front. She just returned from her country where uncle tried to kill her for her faith. We had been praying and fasting for her return. She shared how uncle wanted to kill her (and tried, knocking her unconscious), and that she was willing then to die for Christ, her new faith of less than a year! Her prayer is to translate Bible into her language. Also have another former Muslim friend who too knows he someday may die for his faith in Christ! Does this challenge me? Look what Paul went through... may we be faithful...
ReplyDeleteThis is a subject that I personally don't address well. The path of Islam is a path of eternal destruction. We know this. And yet we - I personally - tend all too often to forget that those in thrall to it are headed for eternal destruction. Jesus died on the cross for them no less than He did for me, and I am personally guilty of forgetting to pray for them.
ReplyDeleteYes, Islam is of Satan. Yes, their Koran is a lie, a roadmap to destruction. God takes no joy in this, and neither should we.
Ridicule is, on balance, better than bombs and bullets. But prayer and outreach are better still. Christ's statement that ''the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it'' were not an admonition to remain in a 'holy huddle' behind massive walls, it is instead a command to take the Gospel everywhere, including where it is least welcome (but most needed).
tn, neither did I until meeting former Muslin. How convicted I was that I had not been praying for Christians in Iran. He faxes his mom the Gospel a few chapters at a time as a Bible would be confiscated. His humble heart has convicted me too... Blessings to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. On the sidebar of the blog I have a link entitled Voice of the Martyrs. I urge you you follow it. It goes to a site, put up by an organization that attempts to document the struggles of the body of Christ in hostile lands.
ReplyDeleteSometimes these lands are Marxist, as in China or elsewhere. Most often, though, the worst persecution is in areas groaning under the unholy rule of Islam and it's devotion to a false religion. There are people who are being beaten, raped, enslaved, and murdered today for their identification with Jesus the Christ. We need to be in prayer for them, and that God will show us how to help the reach of the Gospel of Salvation. Those blinded by Satan's lies to follow Islam are on a path to destruction and that is not something to take lightly.