Today's Reading January 31
Morning, Old Testament portion
the Exodus, chaptes 25 and 26
Evening, New Testament portion
the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 21, verses 1 through 22
there are those who regard a reading through the complete Bible as a monumental task. While it is significant, it's worth doing and, in a way, it is monumental. Consider: in the span of of month now, we have gone from those wonderful words, ''In the beginning, GOD ,,,'' through the invention of light, the creation of the world out of nothing, the creation of plants and animals and humans, the Fall, the Flood, the scattering of the human race, the development of kingdoms and empires, the split between the sons of Abraham - Isaac and Ishmael that troubles the world to this day, the retreat into Egypt, the Exodus from Egypt, and now the instructions for the Tabernacle. Quite a journey in only 31 days!
And the Gospel portion is no less significant - we are already into the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
This is Good Stuff. Stay with it.
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