16 February 2007

Illegal Immigration, Part 1007 and Government Non-feasance

It just never seems to end. We elect persons to positions of public trust, based upon our belief that they will ''... well and faithfully carry out the duties of the office ...'', perhaps you've heard it before, or perhaps have taken a similar oath. But some of them seem to have had their fingers crossed. Or perhaps they are just oathbreakers. Our President seems to be one. The Attorney General of the United States is another. And then there are the public officials in North Carolina. I like the place, particularly the western part of it. But it seems to be governed by persons lacking a sense of duty or of honor.

Here's an example, right out of the headlines. You can read it at the Charlotte Observer under the headline ''Driver in fatal wreck had 3 prior N.C. arrests with the sub-head of

Man charged in wreck that killed pregnant woman was deported twice in '90s but not after arrests here

It seems that one Carlos Alfonso Guillen Martinez, a citizen of El Salvador, was deported several times back in the 1990's. But, though apprehended three times since 2002 for various offenses against the public order, was not deported. Instead, he was allowed to remain in the country. I guess no one really cared. Permitting, in turn, him to get into still another wreck one that involved Leeanna Newman, 20, killing Newman and her unborn baby.

Two people are dead now. And for that turn of events we must blame, first, this bum. I'm in favor of hanging him, frankly. Deportation at this point is silly. He didn't learn the first few times, it's silly to assume that he will this time. Hang him. Publicly. Do it today.

But we must, absolutely, hold to account those whose dereliction of duty has led to this tragic turn of events.

First and foremost must be those dishonorable and disreputable officials within the state of North Carolina who refused to do their duty and push the matter when he previously came to the attention of law enforcement. Start with the officials in Alamance County and in Rowan County.

But primary responsibility for the control of the border and the territorial integrity of the United States falls upon the Federal Government. Not only have the feds as a whole failed to do the job, but a good case can be made that this failure is in fact a straightforward refusal to carry out the duties sworn to do.
When all is said and done, the responsibility for this rests with the President of the United States, George W. Bush. He has the blood of this innocent on his hands as a direct and predictable result of his obstinate refusal to secure the borders and to vigorously enforce the laws with respect to illegal aliens. No other term fits. I supported W in two general elections. I have respect for many of his policies and I used to have that respect for him personally. But the blood of this woman and her baby, and many others like them, is on his hands.

According to Rep. Steve King, on the average 12 American citizens are murdered by illegal aliens every day! That works out to about 21,900 since 9/11/01. And 13 Americans are killed in traffic accidents by illegal aliens every day!. That works out to around 23,725 since 9/11/01. Thousands and thousands every year, and the response is a refusal to secure the border, a proposed 'shamnesty', kissy-face with the thieves of the Mexican government, slander about 'vigilantes', and the despicable railroading of two Border Agents into a federal prison as a warning to other agents to cease guarding the border.

What is truly disturbing is that the thieves and liars within the Clinton administration did a better job of guarding the borders, enforcing the law, clamping down on those who hire illegals, workplace enforcement, etc. than the Bush crew has. I don't know why, and right now don't care. They took an oath, they should honor that oath. If they did, we wouldn't be seeing these cases.

What part of this looks good?

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