18 April 2007

Today's Reading April 18

Good morning. Pre-dawn here, and one can not help being mindful of the families and friends of those who were murdered in Virginia on Monday. There are those who believe that humans are good by nature. Scripture does not teach that. Neither does history. On occasion, we are reminded of the fact that all of us can do great evil, and most of us do so regularly but on a smaller scale.
This morning's reading, from the Old Testament, continues in First Samuel, chapters 25 and 26.
In chapter 25 is the account of David's dealings with the arrogant Nabal, his death, and ends with David taking Abigail to wife.
In chapter 26. David has an opportunity to kill Saul. Saul has, after all, been industriously trying to kill David for some time. Yet David refuses the opportunity, as he still regards Saul as the Lord's anointed.
This evening's reading, from the New Testament, continues in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 16, verses 19 through 31. This is Jesus teaching using the illustration of a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus.

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