Today's Reading April 26
This morning's reading, from the Old Testament, comes from Second Samuel, chapters 15 and 16.
This is another segment in the account of David's son, Absolom, who is attempting to take the kingship away from his father. It is not a pleasant account. David allowed the situation to develop in his own family and did not deal with it when he might have, and didn't set a particularly good example himself. The passage for today concludes with Absolom raping his father's concubines in a more-or-less public spectacle. One might note, of course, that David might have been wiser not to HAVE concubines. And having multiple wives led to a pack of half-brothers and half-sisters, which developed into the situation you see here. Yet the concubines were not guilty here, it's likely that they had no influence in their situation. Yet David's failures hurt them as well.
The evening's reading comes from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 20, verses 27 through 47.
Jesus is contending with the Sadducees on the issue of resurrection.
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