07 May 2007

Today's Reading May 07

Happy Monday to all.
This morning's reading continues in First Kings, chapters 14 and 15.
Things are going downhill with few interruptions (like Asa) as succeeding generations seem determined to be more wicked than the generation before.
This is sad reading. When you think back to the time of the Exodus, the release from bondage in Egypt, through all the history of the people back to Abraham, and see what has gone on, one just shakes his head in disbelief.
Until we look around us. Or, worse, look in the mirror.
I am not a hyper-Calvinist. But the doctrine of Total Depravity is one that proves itself without recourse to complex exegesis. It is all too clearly the human characteristic that we least like to admit to while it shows itself on every corner.
This evening's reading begins the Gospel of John. We begin in chapter 1, verses 1 through 28. This is some fairly familiar Scripture, but I urge readers to to skim past on the run. I get something more out of it every time.

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