Today's Reading May 16
This morning's reading comes from Second Kings, chapters 15, 16, and 17.
More of the same. More of the people of Israel and Judah becoming just like that nations around them. Desperately wicked and daily more so, and coming under God's judgment as a result. Murder, assassination, human sacrifice, worship of false gods. Sounds like the world today. I know what happened in Judah and Israel. I don't think Western civilization, what we used to call ''Christendom'', will fare any better.
This evening's reading is from the Gospel of John chapter 6, verses 1 through 21.
This passage begins with Jesus feeding of the 5000 men, plus women and children. It ends with Jesus walking on the water of the Sea of Galilee in a storm. When He got in the boat, the storm was over and they were at their destination. Yes, we can trust Him to get us where we are going, even in the storms of life.
I believe that. Do you?
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