12 June 2007

This morning we get into the book of Ezra chapters 1 and 2. Both elements of the divided kingdom of Israel and Judah have fallen to the enemies. The walls of Jerusalem are broken down, the Temple has been desecrated and burned, many of the people slaughtered in hideous ways, and much of the remnant has been carried off captive. Quite a come-down from the great hope and promise at the end of the Exodus. But just.
Starting here in the book of Ezra, we see the start of the Return. Cyrus the king orders that the Temple may be rebuilt. It is a long way on foot from Babylon (near Baghdad) to Jerusalem - look it up on a map. I wonder what was going on in the minds of the travellers.
This evening we continue in the Gospel of John, chapter 19, verses 23 through 42.
The final parts of the Crucifixion. Jesus gives up the ghost, and is interred in a new tomb. The Devil thinks he won. WRONG!

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