Some more on the human cost of illegal aliens
Try some of these
The man accused of running a stop sign and causing a crash this week that killed a 17-year-old Port Washington boy is an illegal immigrant who was convicted in Wisconsin in December of first-offense drunken driving, authorities confirmed Friday.
What started as an argument between neighbors over a barking dog led to an assault with a golf club that left a 44-year-old man dead, police say.
or Oregon
Less than nine months before he allegedly killed a 15-year-old girl by stepping on her throat until she stopped breathing, Alejandro Rivera Gamboa pleaded guilty to drunken driving and disclosed that he was not a U.S. citizen.
or New Jersey
or North Carolina
We could probably fill the page. I know we could. Check out this YouTube spot - it shows some of the MANY victims.
And yet, Michael Chertoff proves himself to be an empty suit.
He was picked with that in mind.
One of the foreign phrases that some of us know is in French, ''J'accuse!'' You may recall it from the Dreyfus affair, and from a once famous movie made about it. Well,
J'accuse George W. Bush
I accuse you of criminal nonfeasance in office on this entire issueI accuse you allowing the good citizens of this nation to be slaughtered like chickens in order to appease the open borders types
I accuse you of placing the interests of the money types of Mexico ahead of the lives of Americans
I accuse you of dishonor, dishonesty, and deceit on this issue
I accuse you, not of failing to do your duty, but of REFUSING to do your duty
I accuse you of spreading the lie of ''work Americans will not do''. It's a lie - I have personally done many of those jobs. So have others, citizens.
I do not respect or honor liars, no matter what their political affiliation. You, Sir, are a liar. I may respect the office, but I do not respect you. Go home.
And I accuse the so-called leaders of this nation, members of both the major political parties of treachery, deceit, and dishonor. High on that list are the names of Ted Kennedy (spit, spit), Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Mel Martinez. There are many, many names on that last. Decent people would cross the street to avoid them and, if that was impossible, would spit on their shadows.
They need to resign their posts and go serve unpaid and anonymously in far-off leper colonies.
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