Mass Poisoning by the UN
You may already be familiar with the term ''Law of Unintended Consequences''. It's one of those terms that describes the observable fact that an action taken to address an issue may have side effects. It's sometimes known as trading up from one problem to several new and more interesting ones. It's also sometimes known as Do-Gooder Damage.
Dr. Theodore Dalrymple has reported of one such in some detail, and mentioned others in passing. It's worth a read, perhaps several. The Unintended Consequences of Foreign Aid: Theodore Dalrymple explains how Western policies have poisoned the water supplies of 70 million in Bangladesh.
I'm one of those who, as a kid, dutifully went Trick-or-Treating with a little UNICEF money collection can, sure that the United Nations was a key to a New and Better World. I no longer believe that, in fact I think the world would be far better off if that crapulent organization and the leeches that feed off it were to vanish today.
The story speaks for itself - how bumblers are responsible for wide-spread Arsenic poisoning in that unhappy nation. Had Dow Chemical, or 3M, or Bayer Chemical, been responsible for such, there would be howls for the heads of the guilty. But, since it's the UN, the whole thing is hushed up, and the guilty go to bed at night feeling mighty good about themselves.
A pox on them all.
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