Effects of Illegal Aliens -- Oct 11
Just looked over an e-mailing from Monster.com, the internet jobs board. Saw a position that looked quite interesting, a company out of the Memphis area - very nice area - with the name of Tomson, I gather they do something or other that is entertainment related. I became quite interested
A line in the list of requirements: ''ability to speak and write Spanish preferred''
I must be foolish. I thought that this was the United States of America. And while I recognize that there are some cultural anomalies along the Texas-Mexico border, Memphis is a long way from Brownsville. I find it discouraging that Memphis, Tennessee, some thousand miles away, evidently has so many illegal aliens, and Tomson in Memphis employs so many illegal aliens, that American would-be employees are expected to be familiar with the language of the invaders.
What part of this sounds like a good thing for America?
Deport the aliens. ALL the illegals.
Thanks for nothing, W.
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