Today's Entry into the Islam is Evil Record
Islam is evil. Always has been, always will be. A religion of demons is what it is, and from that beginning you don't expect to get any result other than vile lies, monstrous and extended evil. Pretty much what we see, all over the world.
For your inspection and information, I offer a 'Wanted' poster that you may find in certain public places, showing faces and names, and offering large rewards. It's put out by the U.S. State Department, an organization that historically had a hard time find Islamofascists that they couldn't love.
You won't find any Lutheran grandmothers there, no Baptist song leaders, no Roman Catholic or Buddhist nuns. Pretty much, a bunch of Muslims. You may believe in the idea of 'moderate Muslims'. You may believe in the Tooth Fairy too. But would you trust a 'moderate' child molester to be your child's baby sitter? Me neither.
We could probably save the effort of the TSA and all the screening crap. Just make every aircraft, train, or ship passenger walk on banners with the name of Allah on them in Arabic, Korans, or the like. It would have the added advantage of 'encouraging' the diaperheads to leave civilized lands.
Islam must be destroyed. Allah is a demon. Muhammad is in hell.
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