Illegal Aliens November 13
Let's see, where do we want to start?
By the way, thanks to Michelle Malkin and others for pointing these out.
Well, what do you think about an illegal alien, who has ties to Hezbollah, who nonetheless manages to get hired at the FBI, and then the CIA, and gets into their computer systems. Well, don't take my word for it. Read the statement by the US Department of Justice. Former Employee of CIA and FBI Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy, Unauthorized Computer Access and Naturalization Fraud The CBS report, Ex-FBI Agent Accused Of Security Breach, has pictures by the way.
Who will watch the watchers? is an old question. In this case, not only is the fox already in the henhouse, the fox is claiming to be a guard dog. Now, no doubt this will cause the usual howls from the ''we must not have profiling'' crowd. Well, count me as being unabashedly in favor of profiling. Anyone presuming to enter our country, even as a visitor, should have trash a Koran, spit on a flag with the name of Allah on it in Arabic, or something of the sort. And that goes doubly true for anyone being considered to work in any position of public trust. This slut got PAID BY US to betray the interests of this country.
Oh, and by the way, she was an illegal. I know we frequently hear from the open-borders liars that the porous borders and the manifest REFUSAL by the Bush Administration to engage in serious interior enforcement, do not expose the nation to danger by jihadist invasion. Wrong again. As usual. The lie is revealed.
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