Today's Illegal Alien Outrage -- 03 Feb08
Haven't done one of these in a while. Not for lack of examples, it just wearies me.
Comes now a story out of Morristown, Tennessee, about a couple being harassed by the Nazi's within the IRS over unpaid taxes, on the brink of being arrested for bad checks, denied unemployment compensation, and enduring a number of other issues.
For crimes and deceits practiced by ILLEGAL ALIENS who stole their identity.
Oh, by the way, it wasn't these citizens who did all these things. It was ILLEGAL ALIENS
Once again, we see that the ILLEGAL ALIENS were actually employed by a company with quite a history of hiring ILLEGAL ALIENS, Koch Foods.
You can see the story, here:
Koch Foods
Phone: (847) 384-5940
Fax: (847) 384-5961
Toll Free: (800) 837-2778
1300 Higgins Road
Suite #100
Park Ridge, IL 60068
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