This morning's Illegal Aliens posting
Haven't done one of these for a while. Not from lack of stories, clearly.
Try this one, an illegal alien charged with the rape of a child. An El Salvadoran this time, it's not just from Mexico that the problem comes, (but let's face it, having a common border does make it easier). By the way, he'd been deported before.
Or this one. A Honduran this time, who permanently injured visitors in the area. Oh, and by the way, he's previously been convicted of other crimes, but no one could be bothered to check his status at those times, otherwise perhaps someone with a sense of duty would have kicked the bum out and the world would be a better place. But they'd have to do it against the express wishes of the utterly worthless and contemptible Mike Chertoff.
Yes, W. Just raping the children, assaulting the police, crippling the citizens and doing the drunken driving that Americans won't do. Thanks. Thanks for nothing.
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