Out of the mouths of dunderhead greenies
Most thoughtful people realize that Global Warming is a scam, a deceit, a series of lies. Some of us have been around for long enough to remember the wild-eyed predictions of imminent environmental catastrophe that were about to befall us. All of them wrong. In the spring of 1970, young and foolish me was on the Oval at Ohio State University listening to some of these self-important nitwits tell us of the Ice Age and massive famine that were about to hit us. Paul Ehrlich was often invoked as a Wise Man, a Seer Into the Future. And he was full of organic bovine fertilizer. And so is Al Gore. And most of the Watermelons (green on the outside, Red on the inside) surrounding that Ship of Fools.
This link does a good job of showing the record.
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