Some Thoughts on Energy Issues and Imbeciles in the Judiciary
Here's the story.
Note the dates. Permit issued in 2005. This is 2008. So this thing has been in the courts for THREE YEARS. And now is blocked by an unelected, un-accountable, petty potentate for life with delusions of adequacy.
Forget for a moment the facts of the case, important as they are. When in the world did we fall for this imbecilic lie that all the real decisions in our lives are to be made by dolts in black robes? This is not what we fought several wars and a Revolution to gain.
Yes, drill. Needs done. But it is long, long, long past the time for a whole lot of judges, lawyers, pimps, whores, thieves, and environazis to become intimately acquainted with the business end of a rope.
I was born in Columbiana County, Ohio. This is the edge of Appalachia, down in the corner of Ohio - West Virginia - Pennsylvania. Coal mining country and some desperately poor people and played-out mines. When I was a little older, we moved up the road a bit to a house with an abandoned strip mine behind it. I know more than some of these self-appointed grandees do about the on-the-ground realities of mineral and oil and gas extraction.
It's time to tell some of these imbeciles-in-black-robes that they need to find a new line of work, something more in line with their demonstrated abilities. Scrubbing toilets in a leper colony in a far-off land sounds appropriate.
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