Today's Reading -- 03 February 2009
Short shrift this morning -- yesterday was a VERY long day (up at 04:15, at work by 06:10, finally back home around 9:00pm last night. And the alarm went off at the same time as yesterday. I do admit to ''blessing'' the dratted device, and the shlemiels whose non-performance set in motion a chain of events leading to yesterday's 14-or-so-hour work day. By the way, I don' t get paid overtime. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to have a job, especially in today's economy. But it makes for a long day, a short night, and me not at my best. So short shrift, perhaps I'll update this later.
Today's assignments are:
- Exodus chapters 31, 32, and 33
- Gospel of Matthew, chapter 22, verses 23 through 46
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