The Storms of Life
It looks as if my promise of more regular posting took a bit of a hit.
Well, so did this whole part of the country.
For those who are blissfully unaware, Wednesday night a series of horrific storms came through the South, an area that includes eastern Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, and Virginia. Last I heard, the estimate was that there were some 127 separate tornadoes, some of them F-5 on the scale and with funnels a full mile wide. There has been considerable loss of life, over 300 and counting, many many injuries, some serious and debiliating, and horrible loss of property. That property including several fire stations, restaurants, heavy damage to at least one hospital, and many homes. Not to mention prize personal possessions, like the only picture of a long-passed loved one. This will be one to be remembered.
We were, actually, lucky. Our home is intact, the damage starts just a few miles from here. But the entire area is affected.
If you want a look at the damage, check this.
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