05 April 2011

Today's Brief Note

This has been a difficult few days.
Saturday, after working all night, I grabbed a few hours of nap time, then Dear Wife and I had some breakfast and then set out for the Wally World to pick up a few necessities on the regular weekend run. Came home, put stuff away, took another hour or so nap. I got up and mowed lawn while she started fixing some dinner for us. And then she became ill. VERY ill, shades of heart attack ill.
Into the car, off to the E.R. Good hospital, good staff, good everything. To make a very long story a bit less so, they decided it might be angina, but was not a heart attack. But they wanted to admit her. So I called pastor at church, told him I wouldn't be there to help in the morning, and settled down to an uncomfortable watch in a semi-reclining chair by her bedside. With nurses coming in every two hours to give her more pain meds, take here temperature and B.P.,check the telemetry on all the gauges and things they had her hooked up to, and all of that. I left around noon, got a friend to sit with her while I ran home to get a short (about 3 hours) nap. And something to eat, since I hadn't since noon the day before. And ten went back to the hospital until visiting hours ended. Went home, DIED. Got up in the morning and went back, stayed until around noon, came home to get a brief nap and get ready for another night shift. She called, they were discharging her. I got a friend to go pick her up. While she was en route home, got call from the cardiologists. They want her in their office first thing this morning.
Upshot is she probably has gall bladder issue, probably including gall stones. But she probably ALSO has some heart issues, one being the very high "bad" cholesterol, which is a result of not having a thyroid any more. A result of the lupus.
I just worked all night on very little sleep and have to get some, now. We have someone who will drive her to the cardiologist's office in a few hours. For which I am most grateful
I love her very much. It is hard to see someone you love in terrible pain and suffering and a frightening sense of danger.
God is good, all the time, even when the circumstances aren't. I believe that. But sometimes it is hard to hang on to.

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