We're Back
in the event that anyone has been following this, we've been on an extended out-of-town trip to see family. About 2300 miles all told, what with the near-thousand mile distance each way, and some excursions while there. Got back late Saturday, even slept in and missed church Sunday.
Now we expect to be Back At It when Monday morning wobbles into sight.
Should be an interesting week. One of Dear Wife's co-workers got The Axe last Thursday, for the "crime" of Being White. You read that right. She (and, Dear Wife so far) have been working for an NGO in the area, one that receives some amount of so-called "Federal money". And the demographics, racial in other words, of the staff there is supposed (by recently announced fed standards) to closely match the racial demographics of the city. And they were, evidently, one over the "allowable" number/percentage of the melanin-challenged. So Beth got "excessed". Someone needs to explain how this is not racial discrimination. Smells like it to me.
One wants to be charitable. Sometimes it is hard to be so.
Dear Wife is wondering why we came back. Answers are hard to find.
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