13 March 2015

Book Review -- "When God Met a Girl" by Andrew Snaden

When God Met a Girl, Andrew Snaden. https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=Gr9iFeXoVFAC

I got this for review yesterday.  I enjoy doing these, but had fallen far FAR behind on my obligations to that endeavor, really for more than a year.  My apologies.
First and foremost, this is HIGHLY recommended.  I picked it up late last evening and could not put it down.  I intend to go through it, again, more slowly this time, later today perhaps.  But it is very definitely worth the read.
The author is not a theologian, not a pastor, not a graduate of the seminary of your preference.  But then, you'd be hard to find many of the apostles who had that sort of credentialism behind them.  I certainly don't either.  But, as the saying is, "God does not call the equipped, He equips the called" and that is certainly true of this author.  I don't offhand know of too many other writers of Christian literature whose day job is as an accountant / controller in industry.  I've spent many years fighting with such, and had reason to doubt the Christian status of most.  But he's an example.
Many of the people we call heroes of the Faith, are not people you would expect.  We see the demon-possessed, shepherds, fishermen, hookers, tax collectors, and such.  Including accounts of those who had not -- knowingly -- been looking for Jesus and the healing only He could provide.  In many cases, these were people he met along the way, seemingly by chance (though I don't believe in coincidences), and others that it appears that He was seeking out.  Some of the great testimonies of the Faith, whether in Scripture or not, come from those who met Him and were ever afterwards, changed.  As many of us have been.
The emphasis in the book is on women.  Women, in that age and culture, like so many even today, were of little account.  Yes, I know about the Trojan War for the return of Helen of Troy, and some of the issues in other places.  But women were considered to be of little worth or account.  Jesus thought otherwise, and I think His vote carries some weight, OK?
The author here highlights some of those encounters, highlights and explains some of what was going on behind the scenes, and shows application to our life today.
To repeat, HIGHLY recommended. 

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