Other Thoughts 27 September 2017
Was readings something a little while ago that moved me greatly.
Some may know the name of Nabeel Qureshi. He was a one-time Moslem who came to Christian faith -- at great peril at that -- and was until recently associated with Ravi Zacharias' ministry.
Note that I am using the past tense word "was" here. He was these things. Until he was diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer back in June and passed away within the last two weeks. Leaving a wife and child.
But he touched many many lives, some of whom we do not yet know, but he was a faithful presenter of the Gospel.
I think it needless to say that his family is hurt by his passing. But also was touched by his life.
His wife has put forth one of the most remarkable letters, and a YouTube video, that I have yet seen I strongly, very strongly, urge all to see both and to meditate upon them. The time is well spent, I promise.
Video is here
Letter is here in the Gospel Herald
and for those who have a FaceBook account, there is a document here from him
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