Today === Thursday, 10 May 2018
late and VERY brief.
Today has been one of "those" days. Started not too bad, went downhill from there.
Had another doctor appointment for Wife, this is a 20-some mile trip (each way), of course. Had to get the second of two injections right into the knee joint, an attempt to replace some of the synovial fluid that lubricates things going on in there. And then home. She started the day after a good night's sleep, but has been feeling worse and worse since that point. Right now, she sounds like a full-blown case of pneumonia. Saturday should see the end of there 10-day regimen of heavy duty antibiotics. She's still coughing up some dreadful-looking yellow and green stuff, not what we should be seeing after a week of heavy antibiotics.
And it goes beyond us. Next-door niece called late in afternoon. Husband got in BIG trouble at work. They work for separate locations of the same company. Not sure, but it sounds like they fired him, and her position is in doubt as well. Most of us have seen less-than-noble behavior in some operations, have seen some good people get trashed, and know the collateral damage all too well. Not absolutely certain right now exactly the situation, but it's clearly not good.
Perhaps the morning will clarify things.
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