Today's Readings and Stuff -- Saturday, 14 December 2019
Happy Saturday to all. Nearly halfway through the month. Most of the way through the year
Wife is napping, another bad night for her. And in a few hours, we have to make our way through the snow that is falling right now, and probably some awful roads, to be present for the birthday party of the next-door Great Niece, her 7th. A great time for all has been ordered.
But it meant that I had to "make a run". Got a call from our across-the-Line pharmacy that I had three prescriptions ready. They're for me, and while I'm not out of any of them, in a few weeks our insurance is changing and getting refills might be complicated as a result. So I braved the falling mix of snow and rain, and endured PENNDOT's massive incompetence, and went. And, being there, was under orders to get a bow for the birthday gift. So I did. Retirement stuff hits Tuesday (Lord willing of course) so the wallet was thin, but I got the necessary and still have enough to pick up a jug of milk tomorrow. So we're good.
I've been dwelling on some of the matters in the so-called "minor prophets' that have constituted much of the recent readings and most of the rest of the year's passages as the end of the Old Testament passages approach. Lots of condemnation and judgment and warning of the elements of those condemnations. What things are common in those details include some pretty spectacular things. Invading armies, for one, with mass death and slaughter, including death of babies and preganant women, persons who probably weren't guilty of anything but certainly part of the "collateral damage". And then there are warnings of no rain, always a concern in that region, so little or no food to be grown, and no grass for the sheep. Locusts in vast armies devouring what little grass and plant life was left. No food, no water, disease. Oh, and earthquakes and the like. So those "elements of 'ordinary' life" that people, us included, come to regard as just the natural order of things, all taken away. We forget that such things are, in truth, a gift of God. When we stop regarding them in that status, He's capable of taking them back.
Some of us, me included, know all too well the feeling of having those things we regarded as fixed in place and expected as foundational, gone. Illness, job loss, personal disagreements, all of it and more. Like it or not, and I don't, it sometimes takes such shocks to draw our attention back to the only real and reliable Source.
Song of the day has been with me all morning. My Name Is Lazarus.
Now, all who claim the name of Christians have a similar story, a testimony. "When I in chains of death was bound, this Man named Jesus called me out". For our natural state is as dead in our sin nature as the names we see on tombstones. Being one of the "called out" is as much a miracle as the parting of the Red Sea or any other. It's an act of God, not of ourselves. He gets the praise. Not us, certainly not me.
Today, chapters 1 and 2 of Jonah.
Do you know anyone whose given name is Jonah? I don't. Many people in our world have given names of Biblical origin: I know an Abel, many Davids, a Timothy or two, several Pauls. Both of my grandfathers were named Steven. My own dad had a rather obscure name, Eber (see Genesis 10). Not many Jezebels. And very few named Jonah.
There's probably some reason for that. One of the toughest things in the world to tell the Lord is "here am I. Send me." That's handing over a signed blank check (though that is really part of the equation of Salvation). But here, the Lord called Jonah. And, in response, he ran the other direction. He didn't like the assignment. Sadly, that didn't end with him. Most of us are, or think we are, willing to go where we would feel comfortable. Not necessarily where the need is. Need examples?
Yet the Lord's purposes were accomplished, in spite of Jonah.
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