Today's Readings and Stuff -- Saturday, 20 June 2020
We're getting awfully close to the mid-point of the year. Amazing, really. And we've now crossed the bridge of the Summer Solstice. One effect of that is that, from this point forward, we see the "day" portion of the 24 hours to become less and less, and the darkness more and more. I know it sounds weird to be saying that as we see outside the warm sun, the grass and flowers, the birds and butterflies and all of that. It probably is weird, but then so am I. Or so I've been told for most of my life. Whatever.
Looking around at the world, it's hard to be warm and fuzzy and optimistic. I realize that none of this, not a speck of it, has taken the Lord by surprise, and that He is still in charge. But I also know that that means that some some awful things can be permitted to happen to people. It's happened before. It's happening now. It will happen again. We won't curse the Lord or shake our fists at Him, but we can go to Him and plead for mercy and deliverance. And we should. I don't pretend to understand Him, but I've learned to trust Him.
Wife spent some time on the phones this week with the insurance and medical people. She suffers, and long has, with a pretty nasty array of maladies. One effect of that is the need to consult fairly regularly with an array of doctors of various specialties, and to regularly take quite an array of meds. Some of these medical specialties are hard to link up with. The one doc, a rheumatologist, had been practicing in a not-too-distant hospital that has shut down totally. He'd moved around that time to an operation and a practice on the southern edge of the county south of us. But with the changes in our medical insurance, he's no longer "in the Plan" and so we've been trying to arrange to be seen by another. Been trying for half a year now,or more, actually. After much effort, we we able to arrange an appointment with another. Two bad parts of that. The first is that the earliest we can get in is in mid-SEPTEMBER! Since some of her meds for that spectrum of conditions will run out some time next week, with no refills permitted, that's an issue. The other bad part of it is that the doctor she's to see is a long way off. Like about an 80 minute drive several counties away. To be made in a 20-year-old vehicle (21 by time of the appointment) with about 236,000 miles on it. I guess we'll be praying over it. As we normally do.
And tomorrow is Fathers Day. Like most people in our age group, our fathers passed on long ago. Makes it tough. What makes it tougher is that both of our kids have cut all ties with us as of several years ago. So, Wife had no cards or calls on Mothers Day, and I will have none tomorrow. Yes, it hurts. It hurts a lot.
But we will get through.
Today.we complete the books of the Kings, with chapter 25 of 2nd Kings.
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