Today's stuff -- Thursday, 09 July 2020
This will be abbreviated out of necessity.
I hate to make a public thing out of our situations, but sometimes it's worth letting folks know. Skip this if it's too much, ok?
We spent yesterday bracing up the floor joists in the affected room, and getting down a layer of OSB over that. Makes it lots easier to walk if you're not stepping from one bare joist to the next. Most of that is done, except for the area immediately adjacent to the wall between that room and the living room.
Plan was, repeat, was, to begin the day breaking down that wall. The damage from that water heater had extended under that wall about two feet into the living room, so addressing that necessitates the walls removal. Not so bad: that makes that whole space much more useful anyway so it's a plus.
Except. .. we got message this morning that B-in-law had a thing come up and wouldn't be here until noon. OK. But I'd been up since dawn dragging all the stuff, like the desktop computer, TV, etc. etc., out of the way, stuffing things wherever I could (including on our bed) and in already full closets, etc. Had to it then, as Wife had a 10:00 doctor appointment, so time was limited before departure time.
Only ..... a truck hit power lines right in front of the medical complex, access isn't possible, so hers was one of many they were/scrambling to reschedule.
OK. Time for coffee. Then Jim messaged that he wouldn't be coming today. So the place is in disarray, we're both tired already (she's napping). And the day is shot.
One other by-product of this is that the desktop computer is in sections. In closets, under bed, etc. That means I'm doing this on a phone, and can not do my usual cut & paste of the day's Scripture passages. Apologies. Hope to be in better shape in a few days.
2nd Chronicles 7
2nd Chronicles 8
Psalm 119, verses 145 - 152
1st Corinthians 4
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