Today's Readings and Stuff -- Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Well. Still endeavoring to get back into some sort of regular patterns. That includes matters great and small, but sometimes even the small ones are both necessary and causes for thought. For example, tomorrow is "trash day", meaning that's the day that the truck comes by and collects the contents of the bins out at the street. Rather a good metaphor for things: it's a good idea to be consistent in throwing out the "trash" in all our lives and minds. Yes, we need to pitch out the "used" cat litter and empty milk jugs and egg cartons and such. But we also need to get rid of all those things that take up the space and time in our hearts and minds that distract us from the Lord. I am struck, often, with the memory of the admonition about seeking the Lord with ALL our hearts. Not just part, but all. Too often, our minds (mine too) are like one of those "hoarders" types. I know, and you may also, persons who know the batting averages of all the star players on the baseball team of your choice from 17 years back, but little of God's Word, though they may be in church every time the doors are open. We can do better. "Clearing the decks" is a good admonition for a naval ship going into battle, and we are in a battle as well.
Today, chapters 19 and 20 in Job.
Yes, Job is not all happiness and light. It's full of trouble and pain.
And yet, Job here utters one of the best lines a human can. From verses 25 - 27 in Job 19, "I know that my Redeemer liveth .. " and following. Job didn't understand the circumstances or purposes of his trials. But he kept fixed on the Lord, no matter what. The words echo through the centuries since. It is no coincidence that Handel put those words into the libretto for his towering work, Messiah. We need that same determination and faith, no matter what. Remember this? I know
JOB 19
JOB 20
Psalm 145
Galatians 4
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