Today's Readings and Stuff -- Monday, 21 September 2020
Today marks the last day of Summer. Tomorrow, we will have arrived at the Equinox and have entered into the Autumn portion of the year. Some rejoice to see this. I am not one of them, and have never been one to be so inclined. To each his own, I guess. At least we don't -- yet -- have a foot of snow on the ground and sub-zero temperatures. Those plagues will be here soon enough. Bear in mind that this year we had snow in MAY!! So I'm not looking forward to the next six or seven months.
We have been pretty busy here, notably over the weekend. Thanks to a deeply appreciated gift of building material, and other gifts of time and labor and expertise far greater than my own, we were able to tear up the remains of the severely damaged sub-flooring in our living room, and replace it with much better stuff. We're not done yet, there's still much to do, but at least we're not in danger of falling through the floors: yes, the damage was that bad and the holes were that large. Now, along the way, we found some things. There was a hole or gap in the roof along one wall. Water was getting in, and making its way through the wall and downward, and saturating the flooring at the juncture, leading to compromise and then destruction of the floor there. I bought of a gallon of roofing cement and the roof failure has, at least, been addressed. Should be good for another year or so. Then we became aware of a failure in an exterior window that was allowing water intrusion, and thence down inside the wall to a floor at that side, and thus another failure. Window stuff, like plexiglas, has become in high demand (due to the various barriers you see around) and thus the cost has risen dramatically. Changing out the glass is beyond my skill so I'm trying to find an alternative to get through the winter. Translucent vinyl with an adhesive, perhaps?
Intending to try, again, tomorrow, to make the run to get some "labs" done on both of us. Been trying for a month now, with her having several doctor appointments over this next five weeks, (and I have one as well). We'll see.
I do apologize for the frequent and lengthy gaps and personal whines that have been all too common here lately. Sincere apologies. Compared to some things we've gone through in our lives, things are good. In the main. Some are not, and can get downright scary at times. So, forgive me, please.
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