Today's Readings and Stuff -- Saturday, 05 September 2020
I hope the day finds everyone in good shape. I hope.
Today is the first Saturday in September. Looking at the calendar, I see changes coming soon. Our "day" this 24-hour period is 12 hours 55 minutes long, well short of what it was a few months ago. And we will lost another 2 minutes 40 by tomorrow at this time. Not progress as I measure things. I well remember seeing that horrid substance, snow,outside these windows back in early May, and know full well that such will be the case all too soon. NOT what I want to see, but it's not a voting issue, is it?
Oh, well. This is a meaningful month here. Yes, the Autumnal Equinox is coming. Lord willing, we will mark our 32nd wedding anniversary in the coming week. And later in the month, I will note the passing of my father on the 20th. The proximity of that date to the Equinox has not escaped me.
Today, we have only the reading in the Old Testament, today being chapters 11 and 12 in the book of Isaiah. That book is enormously significant in the Bible, and chapter 11 is one of the most important ones in it. This points strongly at the future (for Isaiah) coming of the Lord Jesus the Christ, and at a very rough time in the history of the Jews (and the world of the time). Isaiah reminded them, and us, that the Lord is still on the throne, no matter what, and that He is in charge and knows every detail of what is going on. We are sometimes tempted to wonder if the Lord knows. Yes, He does, better than we do, and knew it long ago. Trust Him.
(incidentally, I've been posting lately from the Holman Christian Standard translation of the Bible. I have found it to be accurate, and the wording is more in keeping with the language of today, rather than what may have been the case in the 1607 - 1611 period in England. I hope no one gets too upset.).
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