Today's Readings and Stuff -- Thursday, 17 December 2020
Two weeks are remaining on the calendar for this year. There are those who naively believe that the transition will herald a change to a better time. I am not one of those, although of course we hope for better days. I doubt such an outcome, but I've been wrong before. We shall see.
It is worthy to note that just a week hence marks Christmas Eve on our calendars. And, yes, I realize that our Orthodox friends celebrate the matter on a different day, January 7, a result of the differences of the Julian and Gregorian calendars. No one truly knows what day is the right one, and I for one am not going to get into a dispute over which it is. Jesus has come, and that's enough for me.
Nephew-in-law was going to swap some tires on our ancient chariot today, but the last I saw of him (early this morning) he was out plowing snow out of various driveways and parking lots, ours included. Making money is so doing So it appears that there will be a delay on this. I don't know what is the fallback date, and really don't feel comfortable in upbraiding him over the issue. So we shall see. What I do know is that there is a prescription waiting at the pharmacy for Dear Wife, and that there is also some sort of food giveaway at a local church tomorrow at noon. Both will require the chariot, so things are a bit disjointed.
Wife's new high-dollar med for the rheumatoid arthritis seems to be having some good effect. But, as ever, there are side effects. One of which is swelling in the ankles and a blood pressure rise, and very notable one, which leads to nasty headaches among other things. She's grabbed a few of my BP pills, cut in half, to address the matter in the short run. It's helping. We shall see.
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