31 January 2021

Today's Readings and Stuff-- Sunday, 31 January 2021

This is going to be brief and sparse.  Regrets.

I've been inside today, much like yesterday.  The snow and other Ice Giant stuff had a bit to dowith that.  But the majority of the impetus is Wife's physical condition, which has not been real good.  Her asthma is in full gear right now, and struggling to breathe is just a bit scary for both of us.  What with all the "Wuhan flu" / COVID-19 stuff going around, it gets pretty stressful.
So I stayed home from church services this morning, something rarely the case, but I didn't want her left alone.  Fortunately, most of the worship service, meaning the sermon, was streamed live over the 'net, so there was that.
Tomorrow, well who knows.  She may call doctor in the morning, seeking an "E-appointment".  Worth a try, at least.

But owing to some of the ramifications of this, I can't replicate today's readings fully as usual.
But please attend to them.  Please.
Exodus 25, 26
Matthew 21:1- 22.

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