08 March 2021

Today's Readings and Stuff--Monday, 08 March 2021

Off to the doctor this morning:  Dear Wife seems to have yet ANOTHER bladder infection.  So, prescription called in to pharmacy.  Took Wife home.  We cobbled up a lunch.  Wait a bit, then I run to pharmacy.  New meds for a nasty bladder infection.  We shall see.  Then over next door to "watch" the Great-nephew while his dad is off to work and his mom is taking both the great-nieces off to some sort of dance classes. So, we get to enjoy a very active almost 4-year-old boy.  What fun.
And just got home.  Made something for Wife to eat, got her some other stuff to be a moderating influence for the side effects of the heavy duty antibiotics she will be on for the next 10 days.  Due to some computer issues that I can't deal with tonight, while I can show the locations of today's Readings, I can't show the text.  Perhaps we can remedy that tomorrow.  Perhaps.  These are very important passages, and I urge their study.

Deuteronomy 5, 6, 7

Mark 12:1-27

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