Today's Readings and Stuff-- Thursday, 01 July 2021
VERY brief.
Apologies, first. Things have been scattered and disorganized lately, even worse than usual. Wife's conditions have much to do with this, and she's not getting better. Our "primary care" doctor doesn't go in on Fridays, so the plan is to head over to the "doc-in-a-box" walk-in clinic in the next town over, first thing tomorrow. After that, we'll, we shall see.
And the readings have been whomping on me, hitting right between the eyes, which may be good, but it's not always comforting nor an enhancement for sound sleep. Reading from Job in the morning, and the Acts in the evening hits hard. I wrestled with Job all week, and even when half asleep last night. There is quite a lot there, and it's important.
"I Know That My Redeemer Liveth " is right in the text. It is an important part in Handel's "Messiah". But it appears elsewhere, and I'm thinking strongly of Nicole Mullin's "I Know My Redeemer Lives", which is at least as meaningful. Hits hard, very. Hard as his travails hit Job, he could and did still proclaim the Lord. Not easy, but important.
So are the behaviors we see in the Acts. These record the profound effect that these few loyal followers had upon the world. We see an important attitude: they weren't seeking a blessing for themselves, they were seeking to serve, to BE a blessing. That seems to have become a rarity.
I fall short in all of this. In all aspects of life.
Dorry for the indulgence here.
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