Today's Reading - Jan 14
For the morning Genesis, chapters 33 through 35
For the evening the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 11
Being a site for the discussion of the important things: Christianity, Family, Engineering matters, interactions between people, including politics, the ever-popular ''other'', and the intersections between all of these. The title is from Daniel 3:17-18 ''..our G-d whom we serve is able to deliver us .... and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not , let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods .....'' I like the attitude.
For the morning Genesis, chapters 33 through 35
For the evening the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 11
Posted by
1/14/2007 09:51:00 AM
Labels: Bible
Thanks for the comment, i commend you on your quest for reading the bible in one year. I personally read the New Testament front to back, Mathew to Revelations in a few different versions (i.e. The N.I.V, KJV, Free on the Inside, The Contemporary, etc.)in its entirety close to twenty times in the last 11 years. The Bible has guided me in my daily life in ways that i know if i didnt read it, i might have made different decisions that were not as wise. I look at the Bible more as a code of life and Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. So after your year is up, i pray that you continue your quest of wisdom from God on a daily basis. It seems there is a storm on its way that only God's umbrella from His word can shelter us.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement, it means a lot.
ReplyDeleteReading the Bible through in a year is not the only approach. It works for me, but as a starting point. That is, the familiarity it gives with Scripture makes it possible to see the unity of God's Word to us. But that also encourages us - me anyway - to feel the need to go into greater depth in some parts. Without that understanding that comes from a combination of study and God's Spirit illuminating a passage, much of the meaning is hidden from us.
And that combination of intentional reading and seeking God's illumination, is part of what keeps the daily readings from becoming dry ritual or the sort of light reading you find in a dentist's office.
God has promised that if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. That's a wonderful promise, and He keeps it.
Grace and peace.