18 January 2007

Today's Reading - Jan 18

I apologize for the lateness of the post, it does make the notation about ''Morning Reading'' quite incorrect. Today, this morning, was not a fun time for reasons I may get into at another time. At any rate, my apology.

Morning (Old Testament reading) Genesis chapters 42 and 43
Evening (New Testament reading) the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 13, verses 33 through 58

The section from Genesis is one that has particular meaning for me. I met with our pastor for lunch today, the first time I've gone out of the workplace for lunch in the five months I've been with my present employer. One of the things that I related was the rather bumpy road we've been through over the last 2-1/2 years, and yet, like Joseph in the passage, this was foreknown by the Almighty. In the case of Joseph, God's plan was at work, and His will was done. While my own troubles have not been of the scope of Joseph's - sold into slavery by those who should have protected him, carried off to a foreign land, falsely accused, thrown into prison while already a prisoner, all of that - yet we all have our own story. It is at least some comfort to realize that all of this may have been in order for God to accomplish his ends. May it be so.


  1. TN, bless you for having lunch with your Pastor. How we are to honor them and their families.

    Read today your Scripture from yesterday (from MacArthur Daily bible) and saw the "double deception" between Joseph's brothers...conspiring [separately] even among themselves to harm Joseph and not telling each other, which points again to God's sovereignity. How we can praise Him!

  2. Thanks for the comment.
    I rarely get out for lunch - this was the first time since I took up my duties with my current employer last summer. It was a great blessing - like too many of us who've moved around a good bit, it's always difficult to establish the human relationships that take the rough edges off life. He - our pastor - is a Real Good Guy and we are very blessed to be part of this faith community.

    With respect to the 'double deception', we should not be surprised. Deceit, deception, treachery: these are things that are difficult to turn off once they've been started. Sin is not so much an act as it is a condition, a state of being. Once you are there, you're there. Perhaps a thief won't be a forger. Perhaps. But a chronic liar can never be trusted - I've known people who would be more likely to tell a lie, even if the truth would have served their interest better, simply out of habit. (Or they can no longer tell the difference). Once you determine to serve your own interests by deceit even amongst your intimate family, what difference does the type of deceit make?

    Yes, God is sovereign. And He knew, millennia before this happened, that it would. It did not take Him by surprise. And though Joseph went through some very bad times, I see no hint that God ever abandoned him. Ever. And that, my friends, is extremely comforting to me.

    Grace and peace.


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