Short break 29 March 2007
A few hours ago, I received The Call that I had been dreading. My mother has entered into the Presence of her Lord and has left this life of pain and sickness behind. While a large part of me grieves the loss of her presence, I know full well that she is in a far better place and that I will, someday, see her again.
In the morning, we will set off on a l-o-n-g car trip to gather with my brothers and sisters and father, to mourn her passing and to celebrate her life and faith. And it was a living, vital faith.
Please keep us in prayer.
God is good, always, even when the circumstances aren't.
Posting is going to be light for the next few days.
Sunday is Palm Sunday, the day we remember the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, an event that led, only a few days later to cries of ''Crucify him!''. And yet, because of the events of that week, we can have confidence and hope today, even when, as today, we see the realities of this broken world. Jesus could see past the events of the moment, good and bad, and see the outcome. So must we.
Prepping for the journey, I found a little bit of writing that my dad put together for their 50th Wedding anniversary, back in 1998. It's probably not great writing, but it has great personal meaning for me. Read it at your own risk.
Though we were born in humble homes
Of noble birth are we;
To claim the King as Father
Grants us nobility.
Once we walked our paths alone
Then God brought us together;
And so we formed a loving home
That only death can sever.
Fifty years ago we chose
No more to walk alone;
Through all these years He blessed us well
How quickly the years have flown.
Still our home was not complete
Till children came to birth;
And here were formed the warmest ties
That can be found on earth.
Our family of faith has done its best
To give us loving care;
While friends and neighbors lend a hand
We find them everywhere.
The sunset comes before the dark,
So soon the day is done;
But darkness must give way to light
Soon comes eternal dawn.
I thank God humbly for having given parents such as that.
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