Today's Reading March 25
Good Sunday morning to you.
This morning's reading, out of the Old Testament, continues in the book of Joshua, chapters 14 and 15. This includes the record of Caleb. Caleb was, you may recall, one of the 12 scouts sent by Moses, some 40 years previously, to spy out the land. Ten of those scouts brought back an evil report, a message of discouragement, that resulted in the people wandering around the wilderness for 40 more years as the faithless died off. Only Joshua and Caleb were still around. Joshua was leading the whole people, while Caleb was a leader within his own tribe, 85 years old now but reportedly just as strong and vigorous and enthusiastic as he had been 40 years before. Now he came forward to request a hard assignment, one he was granted and which was carried out fully.
Much of the rest of this passage seems dry and of no interest. Do not make that mistake. Get a map and hunt down the place name references. There are fights going on over that very same territory today. The Muslims claim suzerainty over it. Like virtually everything else that the Muslims say, they're wrong on that as well.
The afternoon/evening reading continues in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 4, verses 33 through 44. More of the miracles of Jesus.
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