Today's Reading March 24
Good morning!
This morning's reading, from the Old Testament, is from Joshua, chapters 11, 12, and 13.
I know that to some, this record of the cities and regions of the Promised Land seems quaint, and pointless, and of no purpose. Look at the news. These lands remain a point of contention thousands of years later. And, as then, it is brutal warfare. I once wondered why so much fighting over land I wouldn't want. There are answers to that - the land and trade routes that cross between the great civilizations (at the time - no longer) of Egypt and Mesopotamia, for example. But the main point is that G-d Almighty assigned this land to these people and their descendants, and that land grant is the important one.
Thie evening's reading from the New Testament continues in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 4, verses 1 through 32. This is the record of Jesus in the wilderness, tempted by the Devil, followed by His teaching at the synagogue in Nazareth.
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