31 August 2007

Ilegal aliens, 31August

The headline pretty well says it. A man in the country illegally is arrested for attempted sexual assault The girl that this SOB was trying to rape is only 13 years old.
I don't want to crack the jokes about 'raping the kids that Americans won't'. They're just not funny anymore. I want to know why he isn't hanging from the nearest tree. I don't like the idea of lynchings, particularly considering the area I live in. I don't like some of the implications of Committees of Vigilance. But I also know that these creep is here illegally, that those whose duty it is to prevent is presence and to remove him expeditiously if found, can't be bothered to do their duty, and spend their time trying to prevent any one else from doing it for them. I know that historically, Committees of Vigilance come to pass when the normal mechanisms of preserving order break down. Well, they have broken down.
I want the law obeyed and enforced. I want every single illegal alien out of this country, NOW. And I don't want ANY of them EVER permitted back in for any reason. Not ever. And I want those who have forsworn their oaths of office up on charges. Starting with Mr. Chertoff.

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